Applications Now Open: DAWN Fellowship for young women feminists 2025. Admin, February 1, 2025February 1, 2025 DAWN Feminist is excited to announce its new fellowship program for young women feminists from the Global South, as part of its 40th-anniversary celebrations. The DAWN Fellowship for young women feminists fellowship focuses on The Political Economy of Gender-Based Violence and Conflict, offering a unique opportunity for young feminists to develop innovative projects that deepen understanding of these critical issues and amplify feminist voices in public discourse. We are seeking passionate young women feminists under the age of 40 from the Global South to undertake projects in research, advocacy, mobilization, resistance, or creative expression. Projects must align with the fellowship theme, and we particularly encourage proposals addressing Palestine, alongside other conflict areas. Key Benefits: Financial support for project development. A platform to share your work with local and international audiences. Connection to a global network of feminist activists and scholars. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be women feminists under the age of 40. Applicants should be from the Global South. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to feminist principles and methodologies. Proposals can include research, advocacy, mobilization, resistance, or creative expression. Proposals must align with the theme of The Political Economy of Gender-Based Violence and Conflict. We’re especially encouraging projects that focus on Palestine, while also welcoming proposals addressing other areas of conflicts. EXPECTATIONS FROM FELLOWS Delivering tangible outputs as agreed upon with DAWN. Completing project deliverables by the agreed deadlines. Presenting their work at relevant DAWN events. Registering outputs under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Submitting midterm and final reports detailing progress The fellowship supports remote working and requiresindependent yet collaborative engagement withDAWN. Key dates DAWN Fellowship for young women feminists Call for applications 20 Jan Applications Deadline 01 Mar Selection Announcement 30 Apr APPLICATION PROCESS Proposal submissionApplicants complete and submit the fellowship applicationform, detailing the project’s objectives, methodology,expected outcomes, and timeline. Supporting documentsApplicants submit a detailed CV, one letter ofrecommendation from a non-related referee, and astatement of motivation. Project expensesApplicants submit a detailed project budget aligned with thefellowship amount. Review and selectionA selection committee will review the applications basedon relevance, feasibility, originality, and potential impact. Check out all the information and application guidelines in the Fellowship concept note. Read concept note. Apply Here. Fellowships & Scholarship opportunities Fellowshipsopportunity for women